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Boring blog alert! No-one likes the boring details of planning a holiday, particularly when it makes you think about the consequences of an accident when taking a well earned break. However ski travel insurance is super important and will allow you to relax in the knowledge that you are fully covered in case of a problem.

Our key piece of advice is to make sure you are fully covered for every aspect of your holiday. If you ski off-piste, you need to be specifically covered for it. If you fancy going parapenting off the top of the mountain, does your insurance cover it? If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, make sure you mention this on the insurance application form otherwise your insurance might be void! A common mistake we have seen is that guests have medical insurance but are not covered in case of train or flight cancellation or delays.

A recent study from the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) found that:

More than one in five (22%) reported travelling on some holidays completely uninsured.

The most common reason for not buying travel insurance was the mistaken belief that the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) would provide sufficient cover.

Almost one in three (29%) of those who didn’t buy insurance said cost was a barrier.

One in four (27%) risked invalidating their insurance by not disclosing pre-existing medical conditions or by taking part in activities without checking they were covered under the policy.

Ski Travel Insurance

So what is our advice?

1) Get the EHIC card – it is important and will cover the bulk of medical costs in state-run hospitals in the countries that recognise it, but it’s not enough by itself. Without ski travel insurance you will need to make up the shortfall which is normally between 20% – 30% of the bill. The good news is that the EHIC card is free and can be appplied for online:


2) Go shopping online for insurance that covers all aspects of your holiday. You might already have travel insurance through your bank, credit card, or home insurance. Check exactly what it covers and top up as required. There are lots of good deals out there, you just need to look! Check out the below link for more details:


Take these steps and you will have peace of mind before you head out to the French Alps. For our winter holidays click here for more information on our Morzine catered chalets and click here for more information on our Grand Massif catered chalets.


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