Hotel du Lac, SAS Hotel Montriond
The booking terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy, website terms and conditions, and any other written information before confirming your booking, form the basis of your contract with SAS Hotel Montriond – Hotel du Lac (“we” or “us”).
Please read this carefully as it sets out your and our respective rights and obligations.
In these booking terms and conditions, references to “you” and “your” include the first named person on the booking, all persons on whose behalf a booking is made, including persons added subsequently and any other person to whom a booking is transferred.

By making a reservation, the first named person on the booking agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that:
– You have read these terms and conditions and have the authority to and agree to be bound by them. – You consent to our use of information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
– You are over 18 years of age and when placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that you and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services.


Once a reservation is confirmed, either by payment of a 50% deposit, or full payment if you are due to arrive within 10 weeks, a confirmation email is sent.
At this point, a contract exists. It is your responsibility to check the confirmation email and to urgently advise us if there are any errors or omissions.


– When you make a reservation and your arrival date is outside of 10 weeks a 50% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm the booking. The remaining balance is due 10 weeks prior to arrival.
– Full payment is required for any bookings confirmed within 10 weeks of your arrival date. At the point of payment, the balance becomes non-refundable.
– If payment is not received by the required date, SAS Hotel Montriond reserves the right to cancel the reservation.


– All prices are quoted in Euros.
– The prices quoted, shown on our website and in supplementary promotional material apply at the time of purchase.
– The price of your booking as shown on your confirmation invoice is guaranteed, unless you elect to change the confirmed booking.
– Tourist tax is €1 per person, per night and is not included in the quoted room price.

SAS Hotel Montriond reserves the right to modify their rates for economic purposes, such as fluctuations in currency, inflation, or an increase in supplier costs. Any changes in rates will not affect bookings that have already been confirmed by Hotel du Lac.
In the event that SAS Hotel Montriond, under exceptional circumstances, is unable to provide the guest with the agreed room(s) on arrival, SAS Hotel Montriond will provide a room of equal or superior quality at no extra charge.

4.1 Standard rate

– When making a reservation at the standard rate, you are not entitled, under no circumstances, to a refund or amendment.


We endeavour to ensure that information and pricing on our website is accurate. Occasionally changes and errors occur and we reserve the right to correct prices and other details in such circumstances.

6.1 Cancellation of the booking by you prior to arrival
– The party leader must confirm any cancellation in writing. The date on which written notification is received by SAS Hotel Montriond will determine the level of cancellation charges applicable.
Days prior to arrival cancellation charges (percentage of total cost) are as follows:

– More than 70 days – 50% – 69 to 35 days – 75%
– 34 days or less – 100%

6.2 Cancellations by you on site

Once you have checked in we do not issue refunds or amendments for unused accommodation, regardless of the rate under which you have booked your accommodation.

6.3 Cancellation by SAS Hotel Montriond

* In the unlikely event that SAS Hotel Montriond is obliged to cancel your booking, a full refund will be issued and an indemnity payment will be offered as per the table below.
* Days prior to arrival – Indemnity payment (percentage of total accommodation cost):
– More than 70 days – 50%

– 69 to 35 days – 75%
– 34 days or less – 100%

6.4 Cancellation by Force Majeure

– Subject to cancellation of booking due to Force Majeure SAS Hotel Montriond will not be in breach of contract or liable to pay any form of compensation.


– SAS Hotel Montriond endeavours to make sure that the accommodation you book with us is supplied and the services provided by us are performed using reasonable skill and care. In all cases where SAS Hotel Montriond is held to be liable (except where personal injury, death, loss and/or damage to luggage or personal possessions results) SAS Hotel Montriond is limited to the relevant holiday price of the individual client(s) affected, subject to the individual client notifying SAS Hotel Montriond of any claim in writing, within 28 days of the end of your booking.
– SAS Hotel Montriond will not be responsible or pay you compensation for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, cost or other claim of any description resulting from:

– the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected;
– the act(s) and/or omission(s) of any third party; circumstances beyond our control,
– the consequences of which could not have been avoided by the exercise of due care.

– SAS Hotel Montriond shall not be held liable for any loss, delay or costs connected with, or arising out of, adverse weather conditions; including but not exclusive to: blocked roads, missed flights and airline delays.


– For any reservations made via third party travel companies, the travel agent and SAS Hotel Montriond will share the relevant information.
The booking or travel agent may also receive payment from you for the hotel reservation. Any information or advice given to you by the booking or travel agent, which is not given to them by SAS Hotel Montriond, is their responsibility and we do not accept liability if incorrect information has been provided by them. In such circumstances any requests for compensation or redress should be addressed to your travel agent and not to SAS Hotel Montriond.

– SAS Hotel Montriond is not a package travel tour operator and the Package Travel Regulations and Linked Arrangements Regulations do not apply to the services provided by SAS Hotel Montriond.


– We will endeavour to advise you of any building or refurbishment work underway at our properties during your stay
– Works taking place outside of the grounds are not our responsibility but if they cause a disturbance we will endeavour to communicate with those responsible to find a suitable solution. We cannot anticipate where work will take place outside of the grounds.

– All the accommodations strive to maintain high standards, and as such there may be the necessity for some ad-hoc and unforeseeable maintenance work.


– Check in time is from 16:00.
– Check-out time is between 8:00 – 10:00.

– If you arrive prior to check in time and your room is not ready – you may store your luggage at the property at your own risk.
– Hotel du Lac has a night porter for late check ins.
– Late check outs and early check ins are subject to availability and will be charged at a fee of €20 per room.


Upon receipt of deposit or full payment, SAS Hotel Montriond will issue a booking confirmation/invoice via email. Tickets and other documents will normally be forwarded to you by email together with your confirmation invoice. It is important that you check your documents on receipt. Please notify us immediately if there are any errors or omissions.


We welcome all customers including those with disabilities and endeavour to meet individual needs. However, in order to assist, we must be advised at the time of booking of any disability and special requirements. Special facilities can be requested but may not be guaranteed.
Acting reasonably, if we are unable to properly accommodate the needs of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your booking or if you did not give us full details at the time of booking, we will cancel it and impose applicable cancellation charges.

The rooms in Hotel du Lac are located on the first and second floor, however please be advised that the hotel is not equipped with a lift.


All guests staying at Hotel du Lac are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and acceptable manner and not to disrupt the enjoyment of other guests.
– In the event that your behaviour or that of any member of your party is causing or is likely to cause distress, danger or annoyance to any guests, staff members or patrons of our bar and restaurant, we reserve the right to terminate your booking arrangements with us immediately.

– In the event that you or a member of your party cause damage to property we reserve the right to terminate your booking arrangements with us immediately
– In the event that you or a member of your party cause a delay or diversion to transportation we reserve the right to terminate your booking arrangements with us immediately.

– In the event of the aforementioned termination of booking our liability to you and/or your party will cease and you and/or your party will be required to leave your accommodation or other service immediately. We will have no further obligations to you and/or your party. SAS Hotel Montriond will offer no refunds for lost accommodation or any other service will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of termination.

– You and/or your party may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions and we will hold you and each member of your party jointly and individually liable for any damage or losses caused by you or any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or losses must be paid directly to the accommodation manager or other supplier prior to departure from Hotel du Lac. If you fail to make payment, you will be responsible for meeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of your actions together with all costs we incur in pursuing any claim against you.

– SAS Hotel Montriond cannot be held responsible for the actions or behaviour of other guests or individuals who have no connection with your booking arrangements or with us.


– It is a prerequisite of booking your stay with SAS Hotel Montriond that all clients have personal travel insurance. It is your responsibility to ensure that you and your party have relevant and adequate insurance coverage for your stay.
– SAS Hotel Montriond does not provide any winter sports or other travel insurance to its clients.

– Accident, third party risks, mountain sports, illness or any other mishap during the entire period of your holiday (including travel to and from resort), costs incurred from damage to property or adjacent properties during your stay caused by you or any member of your party, your employees or your visitors to the property should be insured. It is also advisable that you take out adequate insurance to cover your personal possessions.


The following information is for guidance only, and it remains your responsibility to check the most up to date requirements before you travel.
Any passports, visas, health inoculations/certificates, International driving licences and other travel documents required for your holiday must be obtained by you. It is your responsibility to ensure that these documents are valid and not expired.


In the unlikely event of encountering difficulties, it is essential to take up the matter at the place of incident. Failure to contact the hotel staff, relevant supplier or the 24-hour emergency telephone number whilst in resort, may affect your rights under this contract.
Should any problem remain unresolved please email within 28 days of your return.


Subject to these conditions, we are unable to accept liability for any alterations or withdrawal of facilities due to National or Public Holidays and suggest that you consult the relevant Tourist Board for information prior to your arrival.


Any special requests must be advised to us at the time of booking e.g. dietary requirement, allergies, etc. Said requests must be confirmed in writing. Whilst every effort will be made by us to try and arrange any reasonable special requests, we cannot guarantee that they will be fulfilled.


– Additional services to your booking are provided by independent suppliers, who provide these services in accordance with their own terms and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable International Conventions. Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are available on request from us or the supplier concerned.
– While we make every effort to only recommend suppliers with a proven track record, we do not accept any responsibility for the services provided.
– SAS Hotel Montriond accepts no responsibility for any services given via third party companies.


These booking terms and conditions and any agreement to which they apply are exclusively governed in all respects by French Law.


– Guests are not permitted to bring their own alcoholic beverages or other food and drinks into Hotel du Lac.
– Only alcoholic beverages and food purchased in Hotel du Lac may be consumed on the premises.


We operate a strictly no smoking policy in the hotel. Smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas where ashtrays are provided. If it is found that you and or anyone in your party have smoked within our accommodation you will be liable to a cleaning charge of up to €500.


– We do not permit domestic animals to stay in any of our properties.
– If it is found that you or any persons in your party have brought pets or other animals into any of our accommodations a cleaning charge of €100 will be issued.


– The information on the lacdemontriond.com website is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going live. The information cannot be guaranteed due to unforeseen changes that can occur at any time and that is outside the control of the company.


– SAS Hotel Montriond provides general information, services and links in the areas of equipment, general sporting goods, and outdoor recreational activities. By providing this information and service, we do not assume any liability for the use of these services by our clients.

– Ski sports and outdoor recreational activities all have potential hazards involving risk of injury or death. Each person participating in these activities must understand the risks involved, obtain the necessary training and take the needed precautions. You assume all risks of property damage, personal injury and death, and agree to hold SAS Hotel Montriond harmless from any liability as a result of your use of the information or service provided by the hotel.


Please consult your relevant OTA for your applicable booking terms and conditions.
If you have any questions regarding your booking, or you would like to book please get in touch with us: info@lacdemontriond.com