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This lemon drizzle cupcake recipe has been on the Tasty Ski menu since 2012 with no plans to take it off any time soon! Our secret with this recipe is to prick lots of holes in the cupcakes as soon as they are out of the oven then immediately pour over the drizzle. The holes and the heat will help the sponge soak up lots of the drizzle.


200g butter, diced at room temperature

200g eggs, beaten

200g caster sugar

5g lemon zest

200g self-raising flour


The drizzle

150g lemon juice

150g caster sugar


The Icing

100g icing sugar

150ml double cream

100g mascarpone



Beat the butter and sugar with the whisk until light and creamy. Whisk in the eggs in 3 parts (the mixture will look split at this stage, DON’T PANIC!) Fold in the flour and lemon zest in 3 parts.

Add 55g of mix into 100ml cupcake holders. Knock the cupcake tray against the kitchen work surface to even out the mixture and to remove any air pockets.

Place in a preheated oven at 170 degrees Celsius and bake until the cakes have risen and when you poke a knife in it comes out clean (about 20 minutes).

Meanwhile mix the sugar into the lemon juice until disolved. As soon as the cupcakes are removed from the oven prick about 10 holes in the top and pour over the drizzle.

For the icing beat the sugar, cream and mascarpone together until light and soft.

If you want to get fancy use some disposable piping bags and get creative with the icing topping!

Are you still looking to book your ski holiday for this winter? We still have some availability left for this season. Click here for more information on our Morzine chalets and click here for more information on our Grand Massif chalets. 


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